Monday, November 24, 2008

Height With Friends Tours North and South Carolina 11.21.08

I accompanied Height With Friends (Dan Keach (above), Mickey Freeland, Emily Slaughter) for two shows in Greenville, NC and Charleston, SC this past weekend. Here's a bit of a travelogue:

Emily Slaughter

Mickey Freeland

Harris, our host in Greenville, NC.

Setting up on the first night.

Harvey's Diner, where we ate after the Greenville show. Close to the end of our meal, the power went out. One of the waitresses pulled her car around to give us some light to pay by.

Cleaning the windshield.

Outside Cracker Barrel.

The show in Charleston, SC.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Hope Night at Metro Gallery 10.26.08

Caleb Stine and Wye Oak hosted a benefit for the Obama campaign last night at Metro Gallery. See more pictures at

All images by Andy Cook for

Andy Cook, for

Friday, August 29, 2008

Obama in Baltimore last spring.